1 Geschlossene Kiste / Initiation_Locked Box
2 Befragung Des Glücks / Questionary About Luck
3 Die Schiefe Ebene / Inclined Plane
4 Der Lauf Der Dinge / Slide Of The Things
5 Logik Des Niedergangs / Logic Of Decline
6 Tilt
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All the posted material has been acquired in its original format. We are sharing it to promote the amazing work of artists and musicians.
Hopefully, the pleasure of listening will motivate people to benefit the artists by purchasing the original material.
Our respect and sincere apologies to those authors who want us to remove any material. We are happy to do so, just let us know.
1 comentario:
Increíbles texturas logradas a través de la experimentación. Con videos como éste podemos adentrarnos hasta los huesos en el cómo surgen esos sonidos que exclusivamente en audio parecen tan abastractos.
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